Sunday 4 May 2014

Pandy to Hay-on-Wye

Today was supposed to be the second hardest day, but in fact it was not too difficult probably due to the great weather – no rain, quite a lot of sun, not much breeze, and hardly any mud.  We started at Pandy at about 8.30 and walked about 2.5 miles up and up to a ridge in the black mountains.  It was wonderful scenery, and the path along the ridge was good.  We met lots of other walkers who were probably just doing day walks.  I must report though that coffee break for me was rescued by John as he produced a flask full of coffee, and allowed me a cup – my dear Husband (Steve Y) did say that we could have coffee in the flask today instead of Steve’s preferred hot water and lemon, we’ll see if he can manage to fill it with coffee tomorrow! 
A good lunch stop
The path went on for a good few miles, before eventually descending for about 4 miles into Hay and back to the houses.  The walk was about 17 miles and we were back by about 4pm. 
Hay in the distance

The only problem now is that the feet are very definitely sore and blisters are appearing!  Hay is quite a big town with lots of nice shops, but I don’t think many of us are up to walking around them too much – unless you are Carol and Tim B who have had a great time looking around all the shops picking up bargains in Rohan and drinking coffee (no scones today though).  

The delicious dinner was pork in cider ably cooked by Pat and Steve W under the watchful eye of head chef Alan - who provided the after dinner mints.

An after dinner game of 'guess who's knees these are' was played!